Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Hello everyone!
It's that time of year again.
Time to sit back and take a good long look at all the things we've accomplished during 2008, and decide what things we'd like to accomplish in 2009!
I've got a few resolutions myself. I'd like to lose a few pounds, maybe get into an actual exercise routine... There are places I'd like to go and things I'd like to see... But top of my list right now, is Going Green in 2009!
I like to think of myself as an 'environmental conscious' person. But I think there are definitely more things I could be doing to actually make some sort of impact...
If Going Green in 2009 is on your list as well, then I'd like to share a few simple things that we can all do to help!
It's worth a read if you have a chance, but I thought I'd give you some of the highlights:
1. Save Energy --- Lower your thermostat, install CFL bulbs, turn off appliances when you aren't using them.
2. Save Gas --- Walk, bike or carpool when you can!
3. Use less Bottled Water --- Get a water filter for your tap and use reusable bottles.
4. Buy Smart --- borrow when you can (books, movies etc.), buy used and buy in bulk.
I recommend checking out the link, and reading the rest of this really cool article. It's got tons of really easy ways to start going green, and helpful links with more information. For example, did you know you can make a lot of your own cleaning products? The website will tell you how!
So that it for now. I just wanted to get in a quick post before the new year.
I hope you all have a happy, safe and GREEN New Year!
I'll see you all in '09!

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Hello out there! Me again.
I just thought I'd post a quick note because of something I overheard the other day.
Two people were talking about trash in landfills, and the one guy said "Something something, blah blah, that's not biodegradable!" (I didn't quite hear all of it...) and the other guy said "Bio-what now?"
That made me pause, and think.
We use the term biodegradable so often when talking about environmentalism... Do we really know what it mean? (You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.) I thought again, and realized I didn't really know what it meant... I knew it had something to do with the way garbage was naturally broken down in landfills, but that was about it...
So, like what any true member of Generation X would do when faced with a question.... I googled it!
And this, is what I came up with:

Biodegradation is the process by which organic substances are broken down by the enzymes produced by living organisms.

I guess that means, biodegradation is what we call it when garbage in landfills gets broken down into it's chemical parts by the living organisms surrounding it.
What we most use the term in connection with (in my opinion anyway) is when we're talking about how long something will take to biodegrade...
This is important, because while most garbage will degrade eventually, some materials will take a lot longer than others.
I'm gonna post a link to this really nifty table I found on the Wikipedia article on the subject. It gives the time it takes for different materials to biodegrade. Like did you know that your old leather shoes could be sitting in a landfill for 25 to 40 years? Or that diapers (I'm assuming used) could be there for up to 500 years!
Knowing how long it takes different materials to degrade in landfills can tell us what types of materials we should be using, and which ones we should probably cut back on.
For example, special biodegradable paper cups will be gone in about 75 days, while a typical Styrofoam cup (like for coffee) will be there forever... They aren't biodegradable.
Well, so much for a short post. This turned out a lot longer than I thought. But I felt it was an important topic. Certainly worth the time it took to post about it. I hope you can take a minute or so to read about it, and hopefully learn something that can help us all.
Okay.... Link to the Wikipedia article about Biodegradation (where I stole the blue text from), it also has that table I mentioned :

And a picture, for your consideration :

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Plastic Bag Bags

Okay... After a couple of false starts, it looks like I might actually be able to make myself a plastic bag bag!
What is a plastic bag bag you ask?
Why, it's a bag, made out of used plastic grocery bags.
Sounds interesting? Keep reading.
I stumbled across this idea the other day, messing around on Facebook's GreenBook application. Someone had posted pictures, and even better, a link to a site explaining how to make one for yourself!
The process involves cutting apart used plastic grocery bags (it won't work with the paper kind) into strips. You then join these strips together to form one very long piece of 'yarn'. Once you have your 'yarn' you can grab yourself a pattern, and begin crocheting your very own plastic bag bag!
For now I'm going to go ahead and give you guys the links I have, and post some pictures of other peoples completed projects. Since the memory card on my camera doesn't feel like working today.
So take a look at this cool project, and go ahead and make your own Plastic Bag Bag!
First, the link to the site explaining how to get your 'yarn' :
And here's a link to the pattern I'm currently attempting :
And of course, some pictures (from

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm here!

Hey all you people out there!
I'm brand new to BlogSpot, and new to the world of blogging as well.
This is my first blog, that I'm essentially moving over from
The point of my blog (if there is one) is to share my thoughts on the world, and more specifically, how we can help it.
I'm interested in environmentalism and 'Green' living. I mainly want to share things that I'm doing to try to help. Saving energy, reducing my emissions, and generally doing my part.
I would love feedback on this blog, and really, on anything in general.
Please feel free to contact me. My e-mail address is, and I'm also on FaceBook under the same name.
You know, I think I'm gonna like it here...