Hello everyone!
It's that time of year again.
Time to sit back and take a good long look at all the things we've accomplished during 2008, and decide what things we'd like to accomplish in 2009!
I've got a few resolutions myself. I'd like to lose a few pounds, maybe get into an actual exercise routine... There are places I'd like to go and things I'd like to see... But top of my list right now, is Going Green in 2009!
I like to think of myself as an 'environmental conscious' person. But I think there are definitely more things I could be doing to actually make some sort of impact...
If Going Green in 2009 is on your list as well, then I'd like to share a few simple things that we can all do to help!
I found this really handy list at: http://www.worldwatch.org/resources/go_green_save_green
It's worth a read if you have a chance, but I thought I'd give you some of the highlights:
1. Save Energy --- Lower your thermostat, install CFL bulbs, turn off appliances when you aren't using them.
2. Save Gas --- Walk, bike or carpool when you can!
3. Use less Bottled Water --- Get a water filter for your tap and use reusable bottles.
4. Buy Smart --- borrow when you can (books, movies etc.), buy used and buy in bulk.
I recommend checking out the link, and reading the rest of this really cool article. It's got tons of really easy ways to start going green, and helpful links with more information. For example, did you know you can make a lot of your own cleaning products? The website will tell you how!
So that it for now. I just wanted to get in a quick post before the new year.
I hope you all have a happy, safe and GREEN New Year!
I'll see you all in '09!