Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm here!

Hey all you people out there!
I'm brand new to BlogSpot, and new to the world of blogging as well.
This is my first blog, that I'm essentially moving over from www.synthasite.com
The point of my blog (if there is one) is to share my thoughts on the world, and more specifically, how we can help it.
I'm interested in environmentalism and 'Green' living. I mainly want to share things that I'm doing to try to help. Saving energy, reducing my emissions, and generally doing my part.
I would love feedback on this blog, and really, on anything in general.
Please feel free to contact me. My e-mail address is bethechange@rock.com, and I'm also on FaceBook under the same name.
You know, I think I'm gonna like it here...


Anonymous said...


MUCH BETTER to comment so I did plug, wishing you the best with this blog and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


asfjh said...

blogging is lots of fun, i hope you'll enjoy it - seems like you have a good idea for a blog! i'll be back ;)